Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Introducing Flash/Flex Builder

Featured Video on Flash Builder
Visit the link below to view featured videos on Adobe Flash Builder

Intoducing Flash Builder

Introduction to Flex Builder 3
More DIY videos at 5min.com

Preparing Adobe Flex Development Environment (Part 2), updated

Flash Builder 4 Branding
Image by TuttleTree via Flickr
Download Adobe Flash Builder (its a pretty big download of around 300 MB, please feel free to read ahead while download is progressing)

- Flash Builder 4 is available for
Windows and Macintosh platform.

- During installation you will be required to close your browser(s) so that the installer can upgrade your version of Flash Player to the debugger version so that you can use the full debugging capabilities built into Flash Builder.

You can also install Adobe Flash Builder as a plugin over an existing Eclipse installation, while doing so it is recommended that you edit the eclipse.ini file for your Eclipse instance, so that it includes the following settings:
-vmargs -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:PermSize=64m
Highlights of Adobe Flash Builder 4.5:
“Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 can be used to Build for Android™, BlackBerry® Tablet OS, and iOS mobile platforms using a common code base”.

  • Based on an Eclipse™ Plaform
  • Rapid development of expressive mobile, web, and desktop applications
  • Support for ActionScript®
  • Building applications using open source Flex framework. 
  • Supports for mobile application development and testing. 
  • Development of applications using common code base to build apps for Android™, BlackBerry® Tablet OS, and iOS mobile platforms while sharing code from web applications.


  • You can install a copy of Flash Builder 4 standalone with Flex Builder 2 or 3 installations on the same machine, it will not interfere with each other.
  • Workspaces created in Flex Builder 2 or Flex Builder 3 are not supported by Flash Builder 4.
  • You can import existing Flex Builder projects in Flash Builder 4, but a project modified by Flash Builder 4 will no longer open in Flex Builder 3 or Flex Builder 2.

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Getting Started With Flex SDK

Flex architecture contains following components:
•Adobe Flex Builder
•Adobe Live Cycle Data Services ES
•Adobe Flex Charting

•Adobe Flex SDK

Flex SDK is a free tool containing the following components:

the following link provides step-by-step instructions for creating an Adobe AIR applications using Flex SDK
Creating your first application using Flex SDK

Getting Started With Adobe Flex

Below is my presentation about Apache Flex overview which covers high level details about what is Flex, its architecture, benefits ...

Flex can be applied for the following solutions:
•Business systems/Applications
•Standalone custom solutions
•Network, communication and other interactive solutions
•Video and audio messaging solutions/ Collaboration Tools
•CRM and ERP systems

How to create an Application with Adobe Flex

The video below show how to use Flex Builder 3 and walks you true creating a new Flex Builder project demonstrating new functionality available in this release.

Related articles

Preparing Adobe Flex Development Environment (Part 1), updated.

Adobe Flash Builder
Image via Wikipedia

Development Tools Overview 

The following video provided a brief introduction to of Flex Builder 3 ?

Also Check the following resources for alternate Development Environments for Flex
Related articles

Getting Inspired & Exploring the possibilities of Adobe Flex, updated

English: Differentiation of Java technologies ...
Image via Wikipedia
Now its time to browse some Rich Internet Applications (RIA) built in Adobe Flex.

Rich Internet Applications are web applications that works like full fledged desktop applications.

They can be delivered to the user through a site specific browser either through a plug in or virtual machines.
site-specific browser (SSB) is a software application that is dedicated to accessing pages from a single source (site) on a computer network such as the Internet or a private intranet. SSBs typically simplify the more complex functions of a web browser by excluding the menus, toolbars and browser chrome associated with functions that are external to the workings of a single site. These applications can be started by using mostly a desktop icon using the favicon.[1]
Examples of site-specific browser
RIAs let you perform in-line editing, drag and drop items or otherwise interact directly with elements.
Popular browser based RIAs include Flickr, Google Maps, and eBay.

Why Adobe Flex ?

Flex is a highly productive, free open source framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications that deploy consistently on all major browsers, desktops, and operating systems.
Flex applications can be built using Flex SDK or Adobe Flex Builder 3. It is basically a collection of technologies developed by Adobe which can be used for the development of cross platform Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
Flex applications can be delivered on the web via the Flash Player or to the desktop via Adobe AIR
Flex requires server-side technologies like Java, SAP NetWeaver, ASP.NET or PHP to provide it with real-time data.

Adobe Flex is used across broad variety of industries and use cases.

Flex showcase which is a Flex application letting you browse and search for publicly available Flex applications. Many companies are developing Flex RIAs for internal applications.

Feel free to explore different the Flex showcase on your own, this will provides you with good inspiration and great ideas, and will lets you see what Adobe Flex is capable of.

1. Adobe Flex Showcase
2. Adobe AIR Application Showcase

Flex development can be beneficial not only to developers but also to end-users. Due to Flex programming model you can get scalable and reliable solutions. Even these solutions can be re-designed whenever needed. 

Please click the link below to get Tour de Flex application which provides over 600 running samples with source code!

 "Tour de Flex" and "Tour de Flex Mobile" - provides collection of Flex applications showcasing the capabilities of the technology for web/desktop and mobile application development respectively.

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Preparing your Runtime enviroment, updated

The so-called “Pepper” implementation of Flash Player provides a layer between the plugin and browser that abstracts away differences between browser and operating system implementations. It is an API Co-developed by Google and Adobe for hosting plugins within the browser.
1) Version Test for Flash Player
2) Installing the latest Flash Player Google Chrome browser includes Adobe® Flash® Player built-in. Google Chrome will automatically update when new versions of Flash Player are available.
3) Installing Adobe AIR
4) Flash Player Version Penetration - check this link if you are wondering which version of Flash Player would be best for you.

Watch the video below to Learn about Flash Player Integration and Support

Introduction to Adobe AIR

More DIY videos at 5min.com

Introduction to Adobe Flash Player and take a Flex Test Drive, updated

The following are three main Rich Internet Applications technologies from Adobe:

  1. Adobe Flex
  2. Flash Player and 
  3. Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
To begin learning about Flash Player start reading with What is micromedia flash player (wiki.answers.com)

Flash Platform is used to build
  • Enterprise applicaitons
  • SasS (Software as a Service)
  • Consumer applications, 
  • Rich media applications, 
  • Video applications (e.g. YouTube), 
  • Social applications
  • Games
Note: Adobe has abandoned developing Flash for mobile device. 

To know about the current version of Flash Player visit the URL: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/

Flex Test Drive: Build an application in an hour

Remark: You should be able to upgrade the Flex SDK without having to get your clients upgrade their Flash Player unless during major releases, to bring some predictability and allows developers to plan their upgrade cycles.

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Adobe Flash Player for Android is not available anymore at the Play Store.

Apache Flex Overview, updated

crazy with the bookscrazy with the books (Photo credit: leff)
What is Flex? 

Flex is a highly productive, free open source framework that provides enterprise-level components for Flash Platform for designing, building and maintaining expressive mobile, web and desktop applications that deploy consistently on all major devices, browsers, desktops, and operating systems.
Flex allows you to build web and mobile applications that share a common code base, reducing the time and cost of application creation and longer term maintenance.

Flex Overview

Adobe has donated the Flex SDK to Apache Software foundation. [Adobe Donating Flex to Open Source Foundation (infoq.com)]

What is Adobe Flash Builder ?

Adobe® Flash® Builder 4.5 software (formerly Adobe Flex® Builder) is an Eclipse based development tool for rapidly building expressive applications for the following platforms:
  1. mobile, 
  2. web, and
  3. desktop
using the following technologies:
  1. ActionScript® and MXML
  2. the open source Flex framework
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 introduces new support for mobile application development and testing that enables use of a common code base to build apps for the following platforms: 
  1. Android,
  2. BlackBerry® Tablet OS, and
  3. iOS mobile platforms 
while sharing code from web applications. It includes support for the following features: 
  • intelligent coding, 
  • interactive step-though debugging, 
  • application profiling, and 
  • visual design of the user interface layout.

Can I learn Apache Flex (previously Adobe Flex) ?

Below are the Prerequisites for learning Adobe Flex includes basic understanding of following topics:

Which languages does Flex Framework supports ?

    A Flex application consists primarily of code written in two different languages
    • ActionScript - a fully object oriented, strictly typed, ECMA Script language. It is is used for describing the event handlers and custom application logic.
    • MXML - an XML based markup language. It is used to provide description of the appearance  and components that make up the application.

    What is Flash Catalyst ?

    An additional product Adobe® Flash® Catalyst™ (code-named Thermo)  a professional interaction design tool for designers to create complex RIA user interfaces and interactions by using a visual editor which will create Flex application code that the designer and developer can share. Adobe Flash Catalyst is a tool for rapidly creating user interfaces without coding.

    Future of Flash Catalyst & Flash Builders

    Following the decision of Flex moving to the Apache Foundation, that Flash Catalyst will be discontinued. Flash Builder will also have features the following features removed in future:
    • Design View,
    • Data Centric Development (DCD)
    • and Flash Catalyst workflows. 
    Adobe has stopped sales and development of Flash Catalyst tool, Adobe is now focusing mainly on creating tools for native applications using AIR and HTML5 for e.g. 

    1. Adobe Muse (http://muse.adobe.com)
    2. Adobe & HTML (http://html.adobe.com/)

    As an alternate to Flash Catalyst it is recommended to use Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection. (refer http://www.adobe.com/in/products/flashcatalyst.html for details)

    Further Reading:
    Learning Resources:

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