Cairngorm is based on Model View Controller (MVC) framework, specifically designed to facilitate complex state and data synchronization between the client and the server. Cairngorm separates implementation of the view layer from the Model (data) implementation.
View layer throw events and bind to data stored in the Model.
Components on the View can bind to Value Objects or other properties in the Model (data) layer.
Value Objects (VOs) are used to store related properties, simple variables can be stored as direct properties of the ModelLocator class.
A static reference to the ModelLocator singleton instance is used by the View layers to locate the required data.
he Controller layer is implemented as a singleton class FrontController. The FrontController instance receives every View-generated Event and dispatches the events to the assigned Command class based on the event's declared type.
The Command class processes the event by calling the Command class' execute() method, which is defined in ICommand interface.
The event object may include data if required. The execute() method can update the central Model, as well as invoke a Service class which typically involves communication with a remote server. The IResponder interface is also implemented by the Command class, includes onResult and onFault methods to handle responses returned from the invoked remote service.
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