Introduction to Napkee
Napkee is a free mockup creation tool and code generation tool for converting your UI Mockups created in Balsamiq Mockups into HTML, CSS and JavaScript based on Twitter Bootstrap framework at a click of a button. The current version of this tool is Napkee 2.0 alpha.
Start building a complete UI from mock-up build with balsamiq and convert it to an funtioncal application client. Its a great tool for rapid prototyping.
Napkee Legacy
Previous version of this tool now known as Napkee Legacy is still available for download but it won't be updated in the future and is discontinued. It can be downloaded from It included two project natures, Web and Flex.The first one generated a set of HTML, CSS and Javascript files and the second one generated a Flex Builder 3.x ready project. In Flex nature based on settings in Napkee's preferences you could either choose to export it to a web flex project or to generate an AIR based standalone code.
Napkee - make your mockups come alive
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